Increase Website Traffic Organic Seo

The fine art of getting higher in search engine rankings. Organic Search Engine Optimization is not just a blog, its a way of life, its organic baby. Increase Website Traffic now!

Monday, March 05, 2007

Increase Website Traffic Forums

Looking to increase the number of visitors to your website? By joining a free online community you will gain access to post new topics, communicate privately with other members, participate in seo discussion, upload content and access many other special features. Registration is fast, simple and absolutely free so please, register now and start getting more visitors today!

Increase Website Traffic Forums:

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Do you know of any secrets or tips about increasing website traffic? Share your SEO secrets with other members and find new tricks to elevate your site higher in the search engine rankings.

General SEO Discussion
Do you have anything else to say about SEO? This is a general discussion forum for increasing search engine rankings. Feel free to discuss anything related to search engine optimization (SEO).

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Are you wondering about your design and layout in respect to general website optimization? Discuss the importance of site stucture in building a search engine friendly website.

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Monday, October 02, 2006

Blogger Title Tag for SEO

Today I realized just how important that title tag is for search engine optimization. I was working on one of my other blogs and wondering why my page rank was so low when i looked up and noticed that my title was always the same. Very upset, I decided to do some research. So after many hours of random blogs and google searches i found that the title tag is basically one of the most important tags in terms of search engine optimization. One of the reasons I never changed it before was because I was so focused on optimizing my site content. I was following Matt Cutts tips and trying really hard to make my page rich and useful, never realizing that in the upper left hand corner was a hidden monster. Search engines love the title tag and they give a lot of page rank weight on this tag. Therefore, we must manipulate this tag in order for our blog to have a better search engine ranking.

For all my other blogger people you will know by default, most Blogger or Blogspot blogs have their blog title inside the template title tag, this is because all the default templates have this code on their basic templates. Most people by default are lazy and wont get around to ever change this simple code. You may recognize the following near the top of your blogger template html:


This code is fine when it comes to your main page. However, if you are talking about a specific subject in your blog, you most definitley want that to be the title of your post or at least be included in the title tag. This will insure that search engine can easily see your specific blog posts and give your blog a better ranking on their results page. In order to do this you must modify the default blogger title tag as follows: (Simply copy and paste it on your Blogger template replacing the title tag above)

<ItemPage><Blogger><$BlogItemTitle$></Blogger> -

Now there you have it, some instant search engine title tag satisfaction right there. Its that easy. Good Luck Optimizing!

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